Sunday, September 23, 2012


Car2go is a rapidly expanding rental car business that is based in several large cities across the United States and the world, including Austin, Amsterdam, and Toronto. It allows people to sign up for a membership with Car2go in order to be able to use the conveniently placed Smart Car stations around the city and charges the user according to the amount of time they used the car. Car2go then takes care of all services related to the car, providing users with a convenient mode of transportation without the hassles of owning and maintaining their own vehicle.

Car2go indirectly promotes people to live a more pedestrian lifestyle in the city and thereby experience more of the city. It provides people with the option of vehicular transportation when they are under circumstances where it may be necessary instead of being able to walk, or even bike, to their destination. If someone owns a car, they are more likely to leave the city to run their errands because it is simply easier for them to go to a chain store outside of the city to run their errands. However, if their mode of transportation is limited, they are more likely to try and acquire whatever they need within the city. Car2go encourages the diverse and unique locations that can be found within the city because it remains as an option that members will only want to use if they need to leave the area or travel longer distances.

                                         The local Austin farmer's market is a great alternative for buying groceries than Wal-Mart or HEB.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of Car2Go! While I have never needed to use it, I appreciate the goal at promoting less cars on the road and centralizing the city economy. I've even seen Car2Go expanding into residential neighborhoods around where I live.
